dinsdag 27 april 2010

Library trailblazing: implementing a student-focused, university-wide mobile portal #emtacl10

Graham McCarthy and Sally Wilson (Ryerson University)


sms texting from the catalog, First steps in creating mobile services.
In 2008 they started a mobile website. But did students use it? book study rooms, hours and schedules, borrower record, check catalog search articles. But with schedules they meant class schdules, so you cannot do it on your own.
Library website took 4 months to get it up and running. What can it do?
Hours: what is the hours today
Book rooms, what’s the next available room
Mobile catalogue: black box system, cannot change it only
Find articles, not doing intensive research
Available laptop: howmany are logged on. Waiting line

Library created the university website too. (Used students to create it.)
Students can personlize the interface of the website.
Searching for persons. Call immediately, where is his office (map)
Schedule with links to class rooms
Libarary resources also present in university website, now they need tomanage two sites.
Not yet geolocation on the campus map, but that is something they are working on.

What librarians do best: enriching student learning experiences

Mobile news portal with ability to give comments.
Way finding in the library: where to find a certain book in the library, (could you use layers)

Show only relevant information, make sure big buttons. And make sure you have different versions so that old phones still van use it.

Students loved the service but didn’t work on al devices. 14000 usages since september, 4000 people used it out of 20000 students.

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